I have just finished the Basic Constable Course and Passed my Exam at the Criminal Justice Academy. I have access to this site. What do I do now?
Most of us have had this question, hopefully this page will send you on your journey with some help.
Some of the unwritten work-arounds for the Members Only Page:
When you log in you should see this:
- If you choose one of the items under the Navigation it will take you to pages that are for your use in training, documents to use, copies of ride lists, and the log out. To get back to this use the back arrow on your browser.
- If you click on the [MEMBERS ONLY RESTRICTED SITE] button on the top you will see this menu that you can see you account information, edit your profile or log out. Always remember to log out.
Some of the stuff you need are on our main page as well as the Members Only area. (Members Only contains stuff that could be sensitive)
I would ask you to check out the following resources first:
- UNIFORMS AND GEAR (Where to get stuff for your duty uniform, etc)
- CALENDAR – for upcoming events
- CONSTABLE EMAIL – Instructions on getting a scconstablesupstate.org email and getting to it on your computer or phone.
- CONTACT – contacting us and other agencies such as SLED, Technical Colleges that Provide Training
On the MEMBERS ONLY area:
- KEY PERSONNEL FOR DIST III SC CONSTABLES -for people to assist, such as Agency Coordinators, Leadership and Helpers
- The training links for:
- Bloodborne Pathogens (Annual Requirement)
- In Line of Duty Training (Site with extensive amount of Law Enforcement Training Videos)
- Use of Force Training (Annual Requirement)
- SLED Constable Training Site
- SLED TNG ENROLLMENT CODES (gives you access to enroll in the courses
- DOCUMENTS – Access commonly used forms and documents that you will need such as our Quarterly Report to send to SLED each Quarter.